Why Is Chasca the Desert Box Turtle Out on Leap Year? (2/29/2024…A Cold, Damp, Nasty Day!)

We’ve had a few days of weather in the low 80’s. But, forget the warm days! After a hard rain, it was 47 degrees this morning, overcast and raw (I call it “Jersey weather in March”…)! But Chasca decided she should be out of her burrow! In the short below you can see how far she wandered!

Short from my YouTube channel

Box turtles will come out on warm days in February sometimes. But still shocked to see her far out of her burrow near the grape vine in the very cold weather. Yes, it rained hard, but her burrow is well-protected with ceramic pots and a piece of cloth.

Concerned and surprised I picked her up and took the opportunity to weigh her. She came in at about 468-469 grams…at her last weigh-in in October 2023 she was 500 grams. So she’s lost about 30 grams. She’s never lost that much weight over the winter months. Last spring (2023) she came out at 489 grams. Looking at her records for the last few years, it does seem to have lost quite a bit over this mild winter and I am concerned about her shell. The top doesn’t seem as rounded as it was last fall. I put her back in her burrow…she should be there for a couple of more months at least. Last year she came out in early June, then in the extreme heat we had for awhile she disappeared and stayed cool underground for a very long while. In September 2023 she seemed to leave, but was out again in November! So, it’s been a very erratic year and probably very stressful for her.

Needless to say, I’m very worried about the condition of her shell and weight loss!

From my YouTube channel

Here’s the full video up on my YouTube channel. You will see her weigh-in and see a close look at a very cold desert box turtle and a look the area of her shell which I’m worried about. Is she ill?

We’ll see how things develop as we approach Spring…if she looks unwell once she emerges, I will take her to the vet for another check-up.